Heating, Cooling, and Domestic Hot Water
Customer Since
Buillding Type
UBS Tower

Photo courtesy: UBS

The views of Saint Paul from UBS Plaza are stunning from the Mississippi River to the Minnesota State Capitol. The building is a large office tower and offers companies like UBS Financial Services, TKDA, West Academic, and Johnson Becker some of the highest quality office space in downtown. UBS Plaza is centrally located, close to the Green Line and surrounded by great amenities including restaurants, shopping, and housing.

Former property manager, Maureen Burns, had managed a wide variety of real estate products including office, medical, retail, and industrial properties. When she joined UBS Plaza as the property manager, it was her first experience with district heating and cooling services. For the companies that rent office space at UBS Plaza, Maureen depends on the high reliability, price, and efficiency that District Energy delivers, but has found the greatest value in the personalized customer service that the District Energy team provides.

Maureen Burns

Maureen Burns
Photo credit: Mike Krivit

Maureen said, “Any time I call with a question or I am looking for specific data, the customer service team is responsive to my requests and assists with finding solutions.” In addition to responding to questions, Maureen has received calls from District Energy if the building’s energy trends vary from month to month. “The level of attention we receive at our building truly exceeds our expectations of service from a utility provider. On more than one occasion, they have saved us money.”