The Wave – December 2019

Extra Care for Extreme Weather The heating season is well underway, and we want to help you prepare your operations for the extremely cold weather that is likely in the coming months. It… more ›

The Wave – September 2019

The Customer Connection I meet with customers and potential customers every day, and I consistently hear how important it is that District Energy delivers reliable services at the best possible value for your… more ›

The Wave – June 2019

President’s Letter A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of connecting with customers at our annual appreciation event. It is always a great way to learn more about what is changing in… more ›

The Wave – April 2019

Checking in on Sustainability We are working on new sustainability objectives and hoping to hear from our customers. If you have an energy or carbon goal for your building or company, please reach… more ›

The Wave – November 2018

Letter from the President Reflecting on the past year, I want to take a moment and recognize a few of the initiatives and partners that elevate our work and evolve our business. We… more ›

The Wave – October 2018

Letter from the President Stewardship has always been a key tenet of the District Energy culture and is essential to our commitment to customers and the environment. As we approach the new fiscal… more ›

The Wave – July 2018

Letter from the President Since 2010 Saint Paul’s population has increased every year. Urban population growth is a trend that many metropolitan areas across Minnesota, the country, and the world are experiencing. As… more ›

The Wave – April 2018

Letter from the President This year marks the 35th anniversary of District Energy St. Paul’s service to this great city. Within our organization, this anniversary is more than just nostalgia over old black… more ›

The Wave – November 2017

Letter from the President An important part of providing value to our customers is monitoring the trends in our industry and across various market segments. My observation is that there is one consistent,… more ›